The Concept and History of Korean Martial Arts 체육사 : 韓國武道史 硏究
35(4) 9-26, 1996
The Concept and History of Korean Martial Arts 체육사 : 韓國武道史 硏究
The research on the Korean martial arts has hardly been made, so this study aims to define the concept of martial arts and examine the traditional military arts in their process, development and weaponry.
The following are the excepts.
1. Martial arts aim for the high stage of "Do"(道) or enlightenment through military training. They start from skills and go through successive steps like sul(術, technique) ye(藝, craft). Then, "mudo" (commonly called in JAPAN, 無道) comprises "musul"(generally called in CHINA; 武術) and "muye"(universally named in KOREA), all referring to one same thing, martial arts.
2. The Korean martial arts have gone through the invention of weapon, the skills and technique of using weaponry, and the military craft for competition. In the ancient tribal society, martial technique was settled as each tribe was absorbed in bottles for survival and hegemony. Among the weapon were bows, arrows, swords, shields and so on, while the military events inclued anchery, hunting, swordmanship, rock fight and so forth.
3. In the tribal nations, martial craft was formed for the purpose of improving national defense capability and each soldier’s competence. Among the popular festive events were Subakhui(手博戱, the predecessor of Taekwondo), Sukjonhui(石戰戱, stone fighting), kakjohui(角抵戱, Korean-style wrestling), Knugsa(弓射, archery), Suryop(狩獵, hunting), Kumsul(劍術, swordmanship), Chukguk(蹴鞠, the predecessor) etc.
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Physical Activities, Games and Recreations of the Kings in the Choseun Dynasty as Shown in 'Choseunwangjosillok' 체육사 : 조선왕조실록(朝鮮王朝實錄)에 나타난 임금들의 신체활동(身體活動)과 유희(遊戱) · 오락(娛樂)
35(4) 27-38, 1996
Physical Activities, Games and Recreations of the Kings in the Choseun Dynasty as Shown in 'Choseunwangjosillok' 체육사 : 조선왕조실록(朝鮮王朝實錄)에 나타난 임금들의 신체활동(身體活動)과 유희(遊戱) · 오락(娛樂)
Physical activities, games and recreations enjoyed by the kings in the Choseun Dynasty are as follows : 1) As physical activities, they enjoyed tuho(投壺), gongchigi(擊毬), maesanyang(放鷹), hwalsogi(弓射, 弓術), sanyang(山行, 狩獵) and musulhullyun(武術訓練). 2) As mental activities, they enjoyed planting flowers and trees, walking, raising animals, making poets, listening to music, painting, raising fish, fishing, building houses, sculture, playing baduk, ets. 3) They also enjoyed going to hot-springs, making trips to famous places, and the like.
The kings in the early period of Choseun Dynasty had the tendency to enjoy physical activities, while those in the middle and late periods mental activities.
The findings are : 1) Most of the kings in the Choseun Dynasty offered kinds of prize over the competing games, and stimulated the players` gambling spirit, making the games more exciting and vital. 2) They encouraged and raised the morale of the players and winners by offering a lot of liquor to them as prize.
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체육사 : 퇴계(退溪) 이황(李滉)의 거병연수육자결(去病延壽六字訣) 연구(硏究)
裵正河 , 李東甲
35(4) 39-45, 1996
체육사 : 퇴계(退溪) 이황(李滉)의 거병연수육자결(去病延壽六字訣) 연구(硏究)
裵正河 , 李東甲
This study was an academic sketch of health education, oriental medicine and physical education. With a view to maintaining and improving health, the researcher want to investigate the health theory of Korea’s famous scholar YI Hwang with a pen name of Toegye. Taegye’s the secret of six words is a therapy of sounds training to cure chronic diseases and to maintain and promote health without any help of medicine or doctors. Taegye’s the secret of six words is shown six sounds as follows;, , , , , , Therefor, Taegye, Yi Hwang’s valuable health theory will continuous to be unique and effective to us living in the modem society.
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The Study on Moral Sense of Judo athletes 체육철학 : 유도선수의 도덕성 판단 수준에 관한 연구
35(4) 49-56, 1996
The Study on Moral Sense of Judo athletes 체육철학 : 유도선수의 도덕성 판단 수준에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to analyze and examine the difference of moral sense between judo athletes and non-judo athletes. Specifically, this study was to investigate the difference in moral sense according to age and educational level of judo athletes.
Subject of this study were sampled 412 judo athletes and 378 non-judo athletes who was in universities and professional judo players in Seoul, Kyoungi, Honam, Youngnam. Statistic employed in this study were analysis of one-way ANOVA, t-Test. Based on the procedure and results, the followings conclusions were warranted :
First, judo athletes and non-judo athletes are different from the level of moral sense. Namely, judo athletes is more high than non-judo athletes in the level of moral sense.
Second, judo athletes according to age are different from the level of moral sense. Namely, the more age of judo athletes, the more the level of moral sense.
Third, judo athletes according to education are different from the level of moral sense. Namely, the more the education of judo athletes, the more the level of moral sense.
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A Social - Cultural Analysis on the Development of Sport in the Modern Society 스포츠 사회학 : 현대사회의 스포츠 전개 양상에 관한 사회문화적 고찰
송형석HyeongSeokSong , 정영린YoungLinChung
35(4) 59-71, 1996
A Social - Cultural Analysis on the Development of Sport in the Modern Society 스포츠 사회학 : 현대사회의 스포츠 전개 양상에 관한 사회문화적 고찰
송형석HyeongSeokSong , 정영린YoungLinChung
It is a fact that many scholars have proposed that sport serves as a mirror for society. In particular, Plessner, Guttman, and Digel, among others, have verified this in their writings. Sport in our modern, industrial society has developed greatly and taken various new forms. The magnitude of participation in sport has greatly increased while the motives and methods of participation have undergone great qualitative changes. This phenomenon can be understood in it`s relation with the comprehensive development of modern industrial society. Modern life can be observed as the relationship of the environment, human consciousness and human labor. From this perspective we can understand human history from the tension created between man and machine in labor, sensitivity and reason in consciousness, and nature and culture in the environment. Before the advent of modern society, nature, sensitivity, and the body held the positions of prominence in human life. However, with modernization, society came to place more emphasis on the role of culture, reason and machines in human life. This tendency accelerated with the development of rational technology and systemization. The result was that in so-called "post-modern" society the cultural environment came to dominate the natural environment, the consciousness of reason took precedence to that of sensation and mechanized labor took the place of physical labor. This process brought many benefits to mankind but the results were not all positive. Some problems were created as well. These problems can be summarized as environmental pollution, increasingly impersonal human relations, an increase in the hectic pace of life, more abstract methods of personal communication, lack of due to reduced levels of activity, stress, loss of sensitivity, internalization of the aesthetic attitude, loss of work ethic, frustration, and various mental and physical disorders. With this in mind it is easy to see that man has not fully realized the potential offered by the developments in human civilization. Recently there has appeared a movement which goes against the current of civilization. This is the new tendencies to emphasize nature, revitalization of social sensitivity, emphasizing the body and bodily activities over mechanical ones. One area where this tendency can clearly be seen in industrialized society is in sports. Society`s tendencies in these directions are clearly reflected in the rapid increase in "nature sports", physical experiences gained from sport, aesthetic factors, the emphasis on the play aspect of sport, and the trend toward a new concentration on the body in sports.
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Effects of Post Knowledge of Results Delay Interval on Motor Learning by Age Group 스포츠 심리학 : 결과지식 후 지연간격이 연령집단별 운동학습에 미치는 영향
박장평ChangPyungPark , 김윤래YounRaeKim
35(4) 75-86, 1996
Effects of Post Knowledge of Results Delay Interval on Motor Learning by Age Group 스포츠 심리학 : 결과지식 후 지연간격이 연령집단별 운동학습에 미치는 영향
박장평ChangPyungPark , 김윤래YounRaeKim
The purpose of this study was of examine the effect of retention of motor learning to several conditions of knowledge of results(KR). The subjects were right-handed women 180 coeds, divided into three groups(7-8, 13-14, 19-20 years old group) and they had not experienced linear positioning task.
Based on the mean of previous test 5 times, subjects were stratified sampling that each 15(number of persons) assigned to one of four groups according to the post-KR delay interval 3, 7, 11, and 20 seconds. Oral information was given immediately after performance. During experiment, practice level had 80 trials, and retention level had each 20 trials after 20 minutes, a day, and a week.
The result of post-KR delay interval study was not a significant difference between in the 13-14 years old group and in the 19-20 years old group. Two group(13-14, 19-20 years old group) were superior to 7-8 years old group.
In the practice level, and in the retention level after 20 minutes and a day, 7-8 years old group that 11 seconds post-KR delay interval was superior to 3, 7, 20 seconds group, and in the retention level after a week, the group was not significant difference among 3, 7, 11, 20 seconds group.
In the 13-14 years old group and the 19-20 years old group, two groups that were offered by the result of post-KR delay interval study at the practice level and at the retention level(after 20 minutes, a day, and a week) and 7, 11 seconds group was superior to 3, and 20 seconds group.
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The Coordination and Control Characteristics of Drop Landing Movement Due to the Difference in Stiffness of Landing Surface 스포츠 심리학 : 착지표면의 차이에 따른 뛰어내리기 동작의 협응과 제어
고영규YoungGyuKo , 김현경HyunKyungKim
35(4) 87-98, 1996
The Coordination and Control Characteristics of Drop Landing Movement Due to the Difference in Stiffness of Landing Surface 스포츠 심리학 : 착지표면의 차이에 따른 뛰어내리기 동작의 협응과 제어
고영규YoungGyuKo , 김현경HyunKyungKim
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the characteristics of coordination and control of drop landing movement due to the difference in stiffness of landing surface. The landing surface conditions consisted of soft mat, stiff mat, and no mat conditions according to the stiffness of the surface. During drop the segment motion were recorded with shuttered video camera recording at 60 videofields per second. Kinematic data for the ankle, knee, and hip joints angle were digitized, smoothed, differentiated. Angle-angle plot and phase plane were produced from the kinematic data of the joints. Angle-angle plots were used to describe the coordination pattern, while phase planes were used to represent the control characteristics of individual joint. The experimental result revealed that the topological patterns of angle-angle plot and phase plane were not different among the landing surface conditions. These results indicated that the landing surface did not operate as an environmental constraint on drop landing movement. Although the landing surface did not influence the coordination and control pattern of drop landing movement, it changed the control characteristics of body joints at landing. That is, as the softness of the landing surface increased, the flexion of ankle joint increased, but the hip flexion decreased. On contrary, as the stiffness of the landing surface increased, the flexion of hip joint increased, but the ankle flexion decreased. This compensatory movement of ankle and hip joints suggested that the ankle and hip joints at landing operated as a single functional unit, that is, as a coordinative structure.
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The Effects of Repeated Practice on Response Complexity Effects of Motor Programming 스포츠 심리학 : 반복연습이 반응복잡성에 의한 운동프로그래밍 효과에 미치는 영향
35(4) 99-106, 1996
The Effects of Repeated Practice on Response Complexity Effects of Motor Programming 스포츠 심리학 : 반복연습이 반응복잡성에 의한 운동프로그래밍 효과에 미치는 영향
To investigate the nature of the motor programming unit, response complexity effects on motor programming time and repeated practice effects on response complexity, this study experimented on 20 female college students with repeated practices of four different movements in simple RT paradigm. As results, this study found out that RT increased with statistical significance in accordance with the increase in the number of response elements and that the difference of RT in the response conditions did not change by the repeated practices, while the repeated practices only shortened the length of RT for each response condition. And in the case of MT, this study found out that, although total MT increased according to the increase in the number of response elements, the changes of MT in the response conditions were different one another.
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The Effects of Goal - Setting and Reward Structures on Motor Performance 스포츠 심리학 : 목표설정 및 보상 방식이 운동수행에 미치는 효과
35(4) 107-113, 1996
The Effects of Goal - Setting and Reward Structures on Motor Performance 스포츠 심리학 : 목표설정 및 보상 방식이 운동수행에 미치는 효과
The motivation and executing ability of atheletes is generally boosted by several reward plans, such as fiscal reward, compensation by pension, or increased annual salary. This tactic of encouraging the atheletes by reward plans becomes especially important for elite sport and pro sport. Then, on what type and on what criterion should the reward plan be executed to maximize the effectiveness? To elucidate this point experimentally, a group of novice atheletes were chosen and were asked to perform dart drawing exercise, and 4 different reward plans were executed for the exercise results: indivisual rewards on the basis of indivisual goals, a group reward on the basis of indivisual goals, indivisual rewards on the basis of a group.
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Effect of Burnout Patten by Sport Goal Orientation of Young Athletes 스포츠 심리학 : 청소년들의 스포츠 목표지향성이 탈진에 미치는 영향
장덕선 , 윤기운
35(4) 114-123, 1996
Effect of Burnout Patten by Sport Goal Orientation of Young Athletes 스포츠 심리학 : 청소년들의 스포츠 목표지향성이 탈진에 미치는 영향
장덕선 , 윤기운
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between burnout by gender and goal orientation, the interrelation of burnout by goal orientation. High school(male, n=132; female, n=96) athletes completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory and POSQ. Descriptive results indicated that substantial percentage of athletes fell into the moderate and high burnout, and female athletes of master were higher in depersonalization, female athletes of ego were higher in emotional exhaustion, male athletes of master were higher in personal accomplishment.
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Effects of Bandwidth Knowledge of Results on the Motor Learning 스포츠 심리학 : 수용범위 결과지식이 운동 학습에 미치는 영향
This investigation examined the effects of reduced frequency of KR by contrasting of two types of KR(BW10% and relative 100%), and the effects of unique phenomenon of BW condition by comparing the BW 10% and Yoked control group. 48 Subjects were randomly assigned to 3 groups such as, BW 10%, relative 100%, or yoked 10% conditions. All subjects performed 100 acquisition trials, 10 immediate retention trials, and 10 delayed retention trials of a golf putting task. The constant error(CE), absolute error(AE) and variable error(VE) were analyzed. Each of the dependent measures was analyzed in separate ANOVAs and post-hoc tests(Tukey’s HSD) were applied as appropriate when significant effects were found. Significance levels were set at p<.05.
The results of this investigation indicated that the bandwidth 10% group performed more accurately and consistently on the delayed retention test as compared to the other groups(relative 100% group, yoked 10% group). The advantage of the bandwidth condition compared to the yoked condition supported that qualitative information was used to learn the golf putting task when quantitative KR was withdrawal.
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The Changes of Blood Lactate after 1,000M Run according to the Difference of Digest Time 스포츠 생리학 : 소화시간 차이에 따른 1,000M 달리기 후 혈중 젖산농도의 변화
35(4) 133-141, 1996
The Changes of Blood Lactate after 1,000M Run according to the Difference of Digest Time 스포츠 생리학 : 소화시간 차이에 따른 1,000M 달리기 후 혈중 젖산농도의 변화
The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of blood lactate density after 1,000M running according to the passage of time after controlled meal. 10 male student with no physical defects of H-university in Seoul were used as subjects. The blood lactate density of the subjects were tested at every 30 minute between two and four hour after meal at three different state, (1) at resting state, (2) pre-running, and (3) three minutes with post-running.
The summary of the results are as follows:
1. Blood lactate density at resting state was 0.59±0.247mM.
2. Blood lactate at two hour after meal was 5.42±0.193mM and at two half hour, 5.73±0.257mM, which was lowest.
3. The Blood lactate density was 6.62±0.469mM, the highest, and 6.48±0.399mM, at three and half hour and four respectively. There was significant differences in Blood lactate density between each state post running according to the exercise.
4. There was differences in Blood lactate density according to the Difference of Digest Time between at rest and pre running, at reat and post running, and pre and post running.
5. There was no differences in Blood lactate density between each state pre running.
The results suggest that the lowest the Blood lactate should be accumulated between two hour to two and half hour after meal.
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Reproducibility of Graded Cycle Exercise Testing in Patients with Restrictive Lung Disease 스포츠 생리학 : 제한성 폐 환자의 점증적 운동 부하 측정의 재현성
35(4) 142-147, 1996
Reproducibility of Graded Cycle Exercise Testing in Patients with Restrictive Lung Disease 스포츠 생리학 : 제한성 폐 환자의 점증적 운동 부하 측정의 재현성
Exercising testing has become an important tool in early diagnosis and treatment for restrictive lung disease. The reproducibility of variables measured during clinical exercise testing has been examined in these patients. Ten subjects with restrictive lung disease have completed three maximal incremental tests on a bicycle ergometer. Data collected at rest and immediately before exercise were not significantly different on any of these tests. There was no evidence of a significant learning effect from the three successive exercise tests. All the results showed that variables measured during clinical exercise testing in subjects with restrictive lung disease were highly reproducible. The results of this test also showed that measurement made at submaximal levels of exercise might also be used appropriately to evaluate the results of clinical exercise testing in these patients.
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The Comparison of Cardiorespiratory Function in Middle - Aged Female by Two Intensity Bench Stepping Training Program 스포츠 생리학 : 두가지 강도의 벤취 스텝핑 훈련 프로그램에 따른 중년여성의 심폐순환 기능 비교
박규태KuTaePark , 고영완YoungWanKo , 김광래KwangLaeKim
35(4) 148-158, 1996
The Comparison of Cardiorespiratory Function in Middle - Aged Female by Two Intensity Bench Stepping Training Program 스포츠 생리학 : 두가지 강도의 벤취 스텝핑 훈련 프로그램에 따른 중년여성의 심폐순환 기능 비교
박규태KuTaePark , 고영완YoungWanKo , 김광래KwangLaeKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of cardiovascular function by two intensity bench stepping training training. The 16 subjects are divided into Group I (90-100%HRmax) & GroupII(80-90%HRmax) stepping training groups by using each stepping height(15.3cm, 20.3cm, 25.4cm) & music tempo(0-4week:115bpm, 5-8week:120bpm, 9-12week:125bpm) before training, after 4weeks training, after 8weeks training. And I and II stepping training groups are to compare and analyze the changes of cardiovascular function for 12weeks. The results were as follows ; 1. The group II showed significant differences in MVmax, All-out Time, AT time, AT-MV, AT-HR, AT-VO₂, AT-VO₂ ㎖/㎏min, recovery(3min-HR)(P<0.05-P<0.001). The group I showed significant differences in HRmax, VO₂max, MVmax, all-out time, AT-MV, AT-VO₂, AT-VO₂ ㎖/㎏min(P<0.01-P<0.001). 2. The changes of HRmax, VO₂max, All-out time in the All-out between groups showed higher differences in group I than in group II (P<0.05-P<0.01). The changes of AT time, AT-HR in the AT between groups showed higher differences in group lI than in group I (P<0.05). The changes of VO₂ in the recovery(5min) between groups showed higher differences in group I than in group II (P<0.05). These results suggest that group I, II could provides a useful means to enhance cardiovascular function of middle-aged females.
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The Effects on Power, Muscular Structure and Bone Ossification in Chornic Adaptation of Strength Power Shoes Training 스포츠 생리학 : 스트랭스 - 파워화 장기적응 훈련시 각근 순발력, 근구조 특성변화 및 골화에 미치는 영향
35(4) 159-171, 1996
The Effects on Power, Muscular Structure and Bone Ossification in Chornic Adaptation of Strength Power Shoes Training 스포츠 생리학 : 스트랭스 - 파워화 장기적응 훈련시 각근 순발력, 근구조 특성변화 및 골화에 미치는 영향
Strength-Power Shoes Training(SPST) is popular for the improvement of leg power. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether SPST affected muscle morphological characteristics with the enhancement of leg power. Subjects were 20 college students who majored in the physical education. Their age, height, and body weight were 20.8±0.6 years old, 175.1±3.4 ㎝, and 70.3±3.7 ㎏, respectively. The training protocol was 20∼30 min/ 3days/ 8 weeks with the wearing strength power shoes. Training intensity was progressively increased for training period. Peak-torque and leg endurance at Cybex machine were measured prior to end after training. To determine any changes of muscle characteristics and bones, muscle biopsy and X-ray examination was performed. After training, average peak-torques in flexion and extension contractions were significantly enhanced at 60, 180, and 240 °/s, respectively. Flexion peak-torques at ∠60 and 90 of 240 °/s were significantly improved after 8-week SPST, and all extention peak-torque was significantly changed except right leg on ∠90. Isokinetic leg endurance in flexion was significantly improved, and right leg endurance in extension was only enhanced. At the results of muscle biopsy, the percentage of each muscle fiber was not changed, but the area of type IIb fiber was significantly increased after 8-week SPST. The number of capillary per muscle fiber was significantly increased at type I and type IIb fiber and diffusion area per capillary was significantly reduced at all muscle fibers. After training, abnormal evidence was not found in any X-ray film. Therefore, 8-week SPST resulted in enhancement of leg power. This enhancement was partly caused by the changes of muscle characteristics.
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The study of Interaction between Blood Lactate and Interleukin-2 by at Maximal Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 최대운동시 혈중 젖산과 Interleukin-2의 상호 조절효과
이강평KangPyungLee , 임인수InSuIm
35(4) 172-178, 1996
The study of Interaction between Blood Lactate and Interleukin-2 by at Maximal Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 최대운동시 혈중 젖산과 Interleukin-2의 상호 조절효과
이강평KangPyungLee , 임인수InSuIm
The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulation effect of IL-2 by blood lactate at maximal exercise. The subjects were composed of 10 males physical education students on H.Y. University. Maximal exercise treatment for blood sampling was Bruce`s stress testing protocol.
Independent variables for the study were exercise conditions(rest, immediately exercise, and 30, 60min. after exercise), and dependent value was the change of blood lactate and IL-2. All data were analyzed by ANOVA, Pearson`s product movement correlation of SPSS, accepting level for all significances was above α=0.05.
The result of study can be summarized as follows:
1. Blood lactate were showed significant differences according to exercise conditions at maximal exercise (P<.001).
2. IL-2 were showed significant differences according to exercise conditions at maximal exercise (P<.001).
3. A relationship between blood lactate and IL-2 by maximal exercise were showed high negative Correlation (P<.01).
As a conclusion, blood lactate is an important regulatory signal by which macrophage-like accessory cells control IL-2 function is supported by this experiments. But the change of IL-2 by blood lactate in exercise will be explained by pattern of exercise, lactate of volume or response time, antioxidant enzyme, and neuroendocrine.
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The change of pulmonary function after exercise in rowing players 스포츠 생리학 : 운동 후 조정경기 선수의 폐기능 변화
김창규ChangKewKim , 조홍관HongKwanCho
35(4) 179-188, 1996
The change of pulmonary function after exercise in rowing players 스포츠 생리학 : 운동 후 조정경기 선수의 폐기능 변화
김창규ChangKewKim , 조홍관HongKwanCho
In order to investigate of the pulmonary functions after exercise in non - athletes and athletes, 14 male athletes from rowing were tested with 12 male college students.
Pulmonary function test of forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume, and forced expiratory flow were performed using the spiro-analyzer test system. Followings were obtained by tests and analyses :
1. Forced vital capacity(FVC) of resting had significant difference between athletes of 5.12±0.25 ℓ and non-athletes of 4.36±0.18 ℓ (p< .05).
After exercise FVC were higher than resting both in non-athletes(4.39±0.15 ℓ) and in athletes(5.33±0.18 ℓ, p< .05) respectively.
2. Forced expiratory volume for 1 second(FEV₁) of resting showed significant difference between athletes of 4.62±0.19 ℓ and non-athletes of 3.70±0.22 ℓ (p< .05). On this, FEV_(1%) also came out difference between athletes of 90.23±4.16% and non-athletes of 84.86±3.53%.
After exercise FEV₁ were lower than resting or were much the same as resting in non-athletes(3.59±0.20 ℓ) and athletes(4.85±0.14 ℓ) respectively.
3. After exercise FEV_(25%) only was revealed significant difference between athletes of 7.68±0.81 ℓ/sec and non-athletes of 5.01±0.45 ℓ/sec(p< .05) whereas, PEER, FEF50% and FEF75% made no difference between the two.
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The Study on the Blood Pressure, the Cardiac Vector and the Left Ventricular Contractility of Fighter Pilots 스포츠 생리학 : 전투조종사의 혈압, 심장 벡터 및 좌심실 수축력에 관한 연구
안정현JeongHyunAnn , 고성경SeongKyeongKo
35(4) 189-198, 1996
The Study on the Blood Pressure, the Cardiac Vector and the Left Ventricular Contractility of Fighter Pilots 스포츠 생리학 : 전투조종사의 혈압, 심장 벡터 및 좌심실 수축력에 관한 연구
안정현JeongHyunAnn , 고성경SeongKyeongKo
To study on the blood pressure, the cardiac vector and the left ventricular contractility of fighter pilots, 119 pilots and 13 normal men were selected by random. Subjects were divided into six groups by flight time(hours). Statistical method adopted for data analysis were ANOVA.
1. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were decreased against flight time.
2. Sv₁+Rv_5 (left ventricular contractility) was 27.9mm in Under 50 Group that is the longest among the group. Sv₁+Rv_5 was decreased against flight time, and it was 23.7㎜ in Above 1500 Group that is the shortest among the groups.
3. In frontal plan, the range of QRS vector axis was +57.3°∼+78.2° that was deviated to left of body center according to the flight time. In horizontal plan, the range of QRS vector axis was -29.6°∼47.2° that was deviated to back of body center according to the flight time. In both plan, the amplitude of QRS vector was tend to decreasing against the flight time.
Results of this study indicate that the cardiac function of fighter pilots was doubted to degenerate or weaken. Conclusionally, fighter pilots have to increase their cardioventricular fitness by aerobic exercise and the detail study on pilots cardioventricular function must follow using the impedance cardiograph or echocardiograph.
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A study on effects of bowling exercise for the bone density and physical fitness in university women 스포츠 생리학 : 볼링운동이 여자대학생의 골밀도와 체력에 미치는 영향
35(4) 199-208, 1996
A study on effects of bowling exercise for the bone density and physical fitness in university women 스포츠 생리학 : 볼링운동이 여자대학생의 골밀도와 체력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of adolescence bowling exercise for bone density and physical fitness difference of university women.
The final sample was 24 students of university women, consisted of 8 students for control group, 8 students for experimental group who was trained to university from high school, 8 students for experimental who was trained to university from middle school. Measurements of bone density were performed with DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) at the femur and (femoral neck, Ward` triangle, trochanteric region) lumbar(L2-4)
The results were as follows;
First, there was significant difference between bowling exercise group and non-exercise group in bone density of lumbar and femur(femoral neck, Ward` triangle, trochanteric region) parts.
Second, significant differences were found between bowling exercise group and non-exercise group in all physical fitness items( grip strength, back strength, sargent jump, side step, balance) except trunk flexion.
The third, the results of the study should that significant positive correlations were noted between bone density and all physical fitness items except trunk flexion.
From the study, we can have inferred which adolescence bowling exercise increase bone density and physical efitness. Furthermore, this exercise could have positive effect against osteoporsis prevention of postmenopausal women.
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Effect of Choline and Exercise on Choline Acetyltransferase and Acetylcholinesterase Activities in Fast and Slow Muscles of Rats
Min Kyeong Yeo , Yul Nam Sang
35(4) 209-217, 1996
Effect of Choline and Exercise on Choline Acetyltransferase and Acetylcholinesterase Activities in Fast and Slow Muscles of Rats
Min Kyeong Yeo , Yul Nam Sang
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The Effects of Carnitine Administration on Energy Substrate Utilization and All Out Time During Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : Carnitine 투여가 운동중 에너지 기질 이용 및 운동지속시간에 미치는 영향
최성근SungKeunChoi , 안응남EungNamAn
35(4) 218-229, 1996
The Effects of Carnitine Administration on Energy Substrate Utilization and All Out Time During Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : Carnitine 투여가 운동중 에너지 기질 이용 및 운동지속시간에 미치는 영향
최성근SungKeunChoi , 안응남EungNamAn
The comparative analysis on the effect of energy substrate and all out time during exercise through the administration of cartinine to rugby athletes led to the following conclusion:
1. All out time in the administration of carnitine increased significantly longer than that in the administration of water by 9.56 minutes.
2. In the administration of carnitine, the carnitin concentration in plasma in rest increased significantly from 41.4 μ㏖/l to 60.3 μ㏖/l in an hour after administration.
3. As to the respiratory quotient, the lactate, the free fatty acid and the triglyceride in blood during exercise, the administration of carnitine tended to decrease further than the administration of water, but there was no significant difference.
From the above conclusion it can be said that the administration of carnitine increases all out time and energy sustrate utilization tends to depend on lipid. It follows that in order for carnitine to be regarded as a potential nutritional aid during endurance exercise, various researches should be performed on the change of energy substrate in plasma and muscle due to the administration of carnitine, diet theraphy, and effects in accordance with exercise tensity. Furthermore, in case the research on the complex administration of carnitine and materials which accelerate lipolysis can be performed, the capacity of endurance exercise, by glycogen sparing through the increase of lipid oxidation, can be maximized.
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Kinematic Analysis of the Free hip circle forward to handstand on the Horizontal Bar 운동 역학 : 철봉 운동의 앞어깨 버티어 돌아 물구나무서기(Free Hip Circle Forward to Handstand)동작의 역학적 분석
손흥기HeungKiSohn , 이용식YoungSikLee
35(4) 233-241, 1996
Kinematic Analysis of the Free hip circle forward to handstand on the Horizontal Bar 운동 역학 : 철봉 운동의 앞어깨 버티어 돌아 물구나무서기(Free Hip Circle Forward to Handstand)동작의 역학적 분석
손흥기HeungKiSohn , 이용식YoungSikLee
The current study was to analyze kinematic variables of free hip circle forward to Handstand motion on the horizontal bar. The purpose of this study was to give basic informations for gymnastics the increase ability of a competition. For this study, performed by four nationalgymnasts.
The followings are results of this study;
1. Subject`s displacement of shoulder, knee, and hip during the down swing had the same disposition.
2. Compared with other subjects, immoderate strength caused difference in shoulder portion during the upward motion.
3. The change of speed occurred at down swing 2 and 3 as the upward movement has increased and S2 showed different tendency from S1, S2, and S4.
4. For the movement of free hip circle forward to handstand, S1 and S3 showed not much difference but S2, stage 4 displayed difference in hip joint from S1, S3, and S4. It may be caused from having excessive strength to balance one`s body.
As a result, if oneself smoothly increases swinging speed, doing the upward motion for the free hip circle forward to handstand from the horizontal bar would not be difficult.
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A Study of Running Stride Modification on Kinematic Variables in Sprint Running 운동 역학 : 단거리 질주시 보폭 변화에 대한 연구(Ⅰ)
35(4) 242-252, 1996
A Study of Running Stride Modification on Kinematic Variables in Sprint Running 운동 역학 : 단거리 질주시 보폭 변화에 대한 연구(Ⅰ)
The purpose of this study was to compare three different running methods in sprint running (short stride, normal stride, long stride). The variables of interest in this study were horizontal distance between CG and the toe at take-off, maximum vertical distance of the center of gravity (CG) during one running cycle, the running activity index, running velocity of one stride and horizontal velocity of CG at take-off, angle between CG and the toe of a foot, and knee angle at take-off. The subjects were conveniently sampled from a group of sprinters on a university male track and field team. Descriptive analyses on each variable were performed, and the results were compared among the three methods accordingly.
The following conclusions have been drawn from the results attained in this study:
1. At the touch-down, the mean horizontal distance between CG and the toe was shortest for the short stride method (18.9cm, compared to 30.3cm for the normal and 25.8cm for the long stride). However, the mean vertical CG displacement was largest for the long stride method, followed by the normal and the short stride (10.2cm, 8.5cm, 8.4cm, respectively).
2. The running activity index, which is a ratio between support time and flight time, was larger for the short stride method (.698) when compared to the normal (.607) and the long stride (.586).
3. There was no substantial differences in the running velocity among the three methods.
4. The angle between the toe of the take-off leg and CG was 32.21 degree, which was larger than the normal (30.71) and the short stride method (30.65) at take-off.
5. At take-off, the long stride method showed the largest knee angle of a take-off leg (153.59), followed by the normal (152.56) and the short stride (146.91). However, the magnitude of the knee angle of non-supporting leg was in an opposite order. That is, the short stride (91.56) was larger than the normal (88.18) and the long stride method (85.35).
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Angular Momentum in the Men'S 110m Hurdling Motion 운동 역학 : 허들링의 각운동량 분석
35(4) 253-260, 1996
Angular Momentum in the Men'S 110m Hurdling Motion 운동 역학 : 허들링의 각운동량 분석
This study was conducted to investigate the whole body angular momentum and the contribution of the body segments to the the whole body angular momentum. The subjects were six male athletes and the interval running motions were filmed using four 16mm high speed cameras. The motions were analyzed using the DLT(Direct Linear Transformation) method of three-dimensional cinematography. With respect to the athletes, the X, Y, and Z axes pointed to the right, forward, and upward respectively.
During hurdle clearance, the X component of angular momentum was negative. Early in the airborne phase, it was associated with the motion of the trail leg. The downward motion of the lead leg was produced mainly by transfer of the angular momentum from the trail leg.
During hurdle clearance, the Y component of angular momentum was negative. It was necessary for the abduction of the trail leg. It was regarded that our athletes needed the specific airborne motion in order to decrease the distribution of the whole body angular momentum to the trunk and head.
The hurdle clearance required a positive Z component of angular momentum. It was regarded that our athletes needed the specific airborne motion in order to transfer a Z component of angular momentum to the rest body segments effectively.
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A Study on the Ground Reaction Force of Double Jump Spin 운동 역학 : 2회전 점프 스핀의 지면반사력에 관한 연구
이성철SungCheolLee , 김승재SeungJaeKim
35(4) 261-269, 1996
A Study on the Ground Reaction Force of Double Jump Spin 운동 역학 : 2회전 점프 스핀의 지면반사력에 관한 연구
이성철SungCheolLee , 김승재SeungJaeKim
Jump spin, which spins in airborne after jumping vertically, is a very important basic skill because several jump skills in figure skating practically start from it. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the differences of ground reaction force(GRF) between vertical jump(VJ) and 2JS, and to provide useful information for the analysis on advanced jump skills in figure skating.
Six young female figure skaters were performed VJ and 2JS on a force platform. Four biomechanical variables, which are vertical velocity of COG of a total body, vertical GRF, impulse, and power, were calculated to find the differences between two jumps.
It was shown that vertical height of 2JS was significantly lower than that of VJ that performed without arm movement although the GRF`s pattern of 2JS was similar with that of VJ performed with arm movement. As a result, it was speculated that the efforts to jump highly should be performed firstly before the efforts to spin rapidly for performing successful 2JS. Therefore, it was concluded that 2JS should be performed sequentially with spinning just after jumping, not with spinning and jumping simultaneously.
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The Motion Analysis of Cornering in Short Track Speed Skating 운동 역학 : 쇼트트랙의 코너링 동작 분석
35(4) 270-278, 1996
The Motion Analysis of Cornering in Short Track Speed Skating 운동 역학 : 쇼트트랙의 코너링 동작 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the biomechanical characteristics of the third cornering motion of the 500 meter short track event. The subjects of this study were 5 Korean female short track players who were the members of Korean National Short Track Team. The motions performed by the subjects were recorded by two video cameras at the speed of 60 frames per second. The motions were analyzed by the method of three-dimensional cinematograpy. The followings are the primary findings of this study:
1) The average time from fist left foot landing to right foot push-off was 0.15±0.03sec.
2) The height of the C.O.G (center of the gravity) was 25.27±3.82% at the RPO.
3) The range of displacement of the left foot was 929∼995cm during the stroke.
4) The right knee joint angle at the RPO was 156.42±7.54 degree.
The knee joint angle should be maintained as large as possible, and switching of the both feet should be as short as possible in order to perform an efficient cornering motion.
Within its limitations, this study concluded that the time of gliding phase should be short and the height of C.O.G should be low for next cornering motion in order to perform the cornering motion effciently.
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Biomechanical Analysis on the Contribution of the Body Segments in Snatch Movement 운동 역학 : 역도 경기의 인상 동작시 인체 분절의 기여도에 대한 생체역학적 분석
35(4) 279-290, 1996
Biomechanical Analysis on the Contribution of the Body Segments in Snatch Movement 운동 역학 : 역도 경기의 인상 동작시 인체 분절의 기여도에 대한 생체역학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in the Absolute momentum, Relative momentum, Generated momentum, and Body segmental contribution to the First pull phase, Amortization phase, and Second pull phase in Snatch movement.
The subjects of this study were six males weight lifting athletes who had over 8 years career. The experiment of this study was used two 16mm high speed cameras and camera speed was 70frames/second, and data analysis was three-dimensional cinematography by using KWON#3D package.
The conclusions were as follows :
1. During the First pull phase in the snatch movement, the body segment contribution of the thighs were much greater than the other segments. The contribution of the thighs were 95.7%, but those of the hands, forearms, upper-arms, and foots were very small ratios.
2. During the Amortization phase in the snatch movement, the body segment contributions of the hands, forearms, upper-arms, and foots were very small ratios, however that of the trunk was 97.50%. Therefore, it should be noticed that the large contribution of the trunk during the Amortization phase.
3. During the Second pull phase in the Snatch movement, the body segment contributions of the trunk, thighs, foot, upper-arms, forearms, legs, and hand were 24.50%, 23.94%, 16.44%, 14.94%, 12.50%, 7.28%, and 0.38%, for each others. Therefore, it was assumed that the extensors of the trunk, thighs, legs, and foot were generated to produce a large power, during the second pull phase, and that the additional force was generated by the forearms and upper-arms.
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Kinematical analysis of the starting phase by starting position in the short track speed skating 운동 역학 : 출발위치에 따른 숏트랙 출발구간의 운동학적 분석
백진호JinHoBack , 이연종YeonJongLee , 윤동섭DongSeebYoon
35(4) 291-298, 1996
Kinematical analysis of the starting phase by starting position in the short track speed skating 운동 역학 : 출발위치에 따른 숏트랙 출발구간의 운동학적 분석
백진호JinHoBack , 이연종YeonJongLee , 윤동섭DongSeebYoon
In the 500m short track speed skating, who reaches the first corner first is the most important factor, because each competitor races with full speed from the start to the finish line. As for the method of the skating, four racers are supposed to start, the start of the first course is 50cm away from the inside track, and the second, the third, and the fourth courses are separated 1m from one another. The assignment of course is decided by lot. The purpose of in this study how different the distances, taken time, velocity between the start line and the first corner. The subjects were Korean representative athletes, five male and four female. The speed of camera was adjusted to 100fps. The distance of the first course was measured actually and the distance of the others was calculated by the Pythagorean theorem. Time was counted by Average Frame Rate method and velocity was calculated by the distance and time.
Following are the results:
1. The distances were 14,425m for the first course, 14,460m for the second, 14,563m for the third, and 14,734m for the fourth. When the distance of the 1st course was assumed as 100%, the others were 100.24%, 100.96%, and 102.14%.
2. It took 4-9%(male), 3-9%(female) longer time when the subjects skated in the 4th course than those of 1st course.
3. Velocity of the subjects was slightly higher in the first course than in fourth course.
The assignment of course is a important factor to the results of 500m short track speed skating, should consider carefully to change the method of course assignment course on starting.
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A Quantitative Analysis of the Activation Pattern of Elbow Flexors Using Autoregressive Model 운동 역학 : 자기회귀 모델을 이용한 주관절 굴근의 활성화 유형에 대한 정량적 분석
최희남HeeNamChoi , 곽창수ChangSooKwak , 이두형DuHyungLee
35(4) 299-308, 1996
A Quantitative Analysis of the Activation Pattern of Elbow Flexors Using Autoregressive Model 운동 역학 : 자기회귀 모델을 이용한 주관절 굴근의 활성화 유형에 대한 정량적 분석
최희남HeeNamChoi , 곽창수ChangSooKwak , 이두형DuHyungLee
The purposes of this study were to investigate the relative activation of elbow flexors, the biceps brachii(BB) and the brachioradialis(BR) when the elbow flexors generate the joint torque by three different muscle contraction isometric, concentric and eccentric contractions.
The subjects were 5 healthy male persons. The electromyography were used for the analysis of EMG activities. The variables of this study were IEMG, Zero-crossing, Power Spectrum Pattern, Median Frequency, Skewness. The results of this study were as follows;
1. The BR/BB of isometric contraction appeared to be greater as the elbow joint was more extended(p<0.05). The BR/BB during concentric and eccentric contraction tended to increase with more extension of the elbow joint angle, but there was no significant difference between concentric and eccentric contraction.
2. The zero-crossing numbers during concentric contraction tended to be more than eccentric contraction, and there was no angle-dependent zero-crossing variations.
3. The typical pattern of power spectrum of BB and BR showed a long tailed peak in concentric contraction compared to eccentric contraction.
4. The median frequency during concentric contraction was greater than that of eccentriccontraction, and it appeared to be greater in 45-90° of the elbow joint angle.
5. The skewness of BB during eccentric contraction showed to be larger(P<0.05), but the results of BR were contradictions. There was no statistical difference in 0-45 degrees of elbow joint angle.
According to the results, it was found that the activation pattern in elbow flexor muscles was different during three different muscle contraction patterns. Therefore, the elbow flexor muscles should not be considered a single functioning unit. And we found that IEMG was the most parameter for analyzing EMG activation patterns among the parameters of this study.
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A Study on the Spinal Deviations of College Females 스포츠 의학 : 여대생들의 척추이상에 관한 분석연구
35(4) 311-317, 1996
A Study on the Spinal Deviations of College Females 스포츠 의학 : 여대생들의 척추이상에 관한 분석연구
A postural evaluation of axial musculoskeletal deformities was performed on colloege females. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of four deformities and to evaluate the relationships among those deformities and four risk factors. The subjects were 118 non-P.E. majors and 106 P.E. majors. By visual screening 49.1% appeared to have one of the deformities. The incidence was 26.8% for scoliosis, 17.4% for lordosis, and 15.2% for forward head. Kyphosis was not found in this study. There was a significant difference between non-P.E. and P.E. major for forward head. BMI was found to be a risk factor for scoliosis. Qualified professionals and mandatory screening programs are strongly recommended to be introduced into the schools of Korea.
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A Descriptive - Analytic Study on Teaching Behaviors and Motor Engagement Time in Physical Education Classes 스포츠 교육학 : 초 · 중등학교 체육교사의 교수행동과 운동참여시간에 관한 기술 - 분석적 연구
A Descriptive - Analytic Study on Teaching Behaviors and Motor Engagement Time in Physical Education Classes 스포츠 교육학 : 초 · 중등학교 체육교사의 교수행동과 운동참여시간에 관한 기술 - 분석적 연구
The purpose of this study was to examine the desirable and undesirable teaching - learning behaviors by analyzing motor engagement time(MET) in the processes of teaching and learning in elementary and secondary physical education classes.
The participants of the present study included 16 elementary school teachers, 16 middle school physical education teachers who were teaching in schools at 4 cities. The data were obtained by videotaping or lively observing the physical education classes in which one student was randomly selected to examine his or her behavior. The observation occurred from september of 1995 to april of 1996. The data were analyzed using a 5-second interval recording system. The instruments used in the present study were the Teaching Behavior Observation by Anderson (1980) and the BESTPED by Laubach(1975)
The results of the study indicated that the teachers devoted the majority of their time in observing learner`s motor performance during 40-minutes` physical education classes (24.3%), followed by the class observation (19.3%) and interaction (15.4%) including the indication of beginning and ending of the class, safety instruction, warm up and cool-down exercise, and/or learner observation.
The results that the teachers spent very little time on motor instruction suggested that it was necessary to increase the time for teaching the motor skills. The motor engagement and motor cancellation times were 45.2% and 54.8%, respectively. The engagement time was very limited, because the motor engagement time included warm-up and cool-down exercises, relocation, and equipment preparation.
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A comparative studies on the curriculum and management of university physical education 스포츠 교육학 : 대학체육의 교과과정과 운영에 관한 국제비교 연구
35(4) 336-347, 1996
A comparative studies on the curriculum and management of university physical education 스포츠 교육학 : 대학체육의 교과과정과 운영에 관한 국제비교 연구
This research is intended to exam and compare the physical education of general education and the management ways of those courses both in our country and advanced foreign country`s colleges. It is the aim that we should give the useful supposition of the useful information for more pertinent management ways of physical education. There is the comparative research of the curriculums in 17 universities in Korea, Japan, and the United States. Our comparison of the management is about the numbers of professors, students, trainees in each class, and the numbers and kinds of opened courses.
The following findings are summarized.
1. Physical education course is mostly required in Japan, but in Korea and the United States it is optional or required.
2. The kinds of the opened classes are more various in foreign universities than ours.
3. The number of professors are bigger in foreign universities.
4. The number of trainees in each course are smaller in the universities in the United States than in Korea or Japan.
5. The numbers of the opened courses in many in the United States, comparatively to Korea and Japan.
In total, these findings suggested that the more various and substantial courses have to be necessarily done in the physical education of the universities in Korea so that the position of the physical education may be firm and give the useful classes to the students. For this thing, the numbers of the trainees in each classes should be reduced and the development of the more various kinds of courses and the supplement of professors is required.
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An Investigation of Teachers ' Need and Concern on Physical Education Curriculum 스포츠 교육학 : 현행 체육교육과정에 대한 현직 교사의 관심도 분석
강신복SinBokKang , 문호준HoJunMoon
35(4) 348-358, 1996
An Investigation of Teachers ' Need and Concern on Physical Education Curriculum 스포츠 교육학 : 현행 체육교육과정에 대한 현직 교사의 관심도 분석
강신복SinBokKang , 문호준HoJunMoon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the teachers’ need and concern on the curriculum in physical education at secondary schools. The study has been conducted on the basis of review of literature on the research findings related the study.
It is generally known that the teachers at schools have the lack of concern on the curriculum and its development in teaching physical education.
The individual stages of needs and concern shown by the teachers on the physical education curriculum that was developed at the 6th revision period, it was discovered that 61.1% of all the teachers showed 0 level of awareness on it.
Teachers showed the informational concerns with different degrees, ; there were level ‘1’ with 22.2%, level ‘2’ with 2.8%, level ‘4’ with 7.6%, and level ‘6’ with 6.3%.
It was discovered that no teacher was concerned in level ‘5’ which is the collaboration concerns. Also no difference were discovered on the stages of concern by the individual background. However it was found that the concerns shown by the teachers was statistically associated with teaching experience, while there were no associated with level of education, sex, and types of school.
Therefore, an effort should be made to revise the curriculum leting teachers taking major role in the process of developing and implementing the curriculum at schools.
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The Relationship between Characteristics of Sports Goods Receivers and Advertisement Effects 스포츠 행정 · 경영 : 스포츠 용품 수용자 특성과 광고 효과와의 관계
35(4) 361-371, 1996
The Relationship between Characteristics of Sports Goods Receivers and Advertisement Effects 스포츠 행정 · 경영 : 스포츠 용품 수용자 특성과 광고 효과와의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the purchase attitude of sports goods consumer, and to examine the relationship between characteristics of sports goods receivers and advertisement effects. Subjects of this study were sampled 566 university students. Questionnaire was used and cluster random sampling were used. The results and conclusions of this study were as follows;
First, major resource of purchasing information was TV advertisement.
Second, factors that affect on purchasing behavior were quality and function of product.
Third, favourite TV program was sports and movies.
Fourth, purchasing aim of sports goods was sports activity and fashion.
Fifth, there was significant group difference in the purchasing information between male and female. That is, female students who major in physical education got more information than the other groups.
Sixth, there was significant group difference in the purchasing behavior between male and female.
Seventh, there was significant group difference in the purchasing behavior for total income.
Eighth, there was no significant group difference in the purchasing satisfaction.
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Difference Testing of Regression Eqations and Anthropometric to Assess Body Composition 체육측정평가 : 신체구성(身體構成) 평가(評價)를 위한 신체부위별(身體部位別) 인체계측(人體計測)과 회귀공식별(回歸公式別) 차(差) 검증(檢證)
35(4) 375-389, 1996
Difference Testing of Regression Eqations and Anthropometric to Assess Body Composition 체육측정평가 : 신체구성(身體構成) 평가(評價)를 위한 신체부위별(身體部位別) 인체계측(人體計測)과 회귀공식별(回歸公式別) 차(差) 검증(檢證)
The purpose of this study was differences to test of regression equations and anthropometric to assess body composition. 208man(39.43years ± 11.09years) and 209woman(39.36years±11.35years) subjects were hydrostatically weighed and skinfold thickness were measured for 12 body sites with lange calipers. Body circumference were measured for 10 body sites with lufkin`s steel rulor. Body breadth were measured for 5 body sites with Martin-type anthropometer. The results are as follows;
1. Men
The regression equations showed lower differences than 3.3% in the standard value (total error range of body fat percent) which was suggested by Rohman(1981) among the men`s 21 regression equations, body density, 1.0520g/㏄ and body fat percent error, .04% of M2(Forsyth & Sinning,1973), body density, 1.0549g/㏄ and body fat percent error, -1.28% of M15(Catch & McArdle,1973), body density, 1.0566g/㏄ and body fat percent error, -2.07% of M8(Durnin & Womersley,1974), body density, 1.0470g/㏄ and body fat percent error, 2.07% of M17(Fotsyth & Sinning,1973), body density, 1.0465g/㏄ and body fat percent error, 2.42% of M21(Won Young-Doo,1995), body density, 1.0589g/㏄ and body fat percent error, -3.12% of M19(Jackson & Pollock,1978) were the presented 6 regression equations. All of 6 regression equations presented the statistically significant difference between body density, 1.0521g/㏄ and body fat percent, 20.62% by under water weighing(p<.001).
2. Women
The regression equations showed lower differences than 3.3% in the standard value (total error range of body fat percent) which was suggested by Rohman(1981) among the women`s 15 regression equations, body density, 1.0352g/㏄ and body fat percent error, .05% of F1(Behnke & Wilmore,1974), body density, 1.0352g/㏄ and body fat percent error, .05% of body density, 1.0357g/㏄ and body fat percent error, .17% of F6(Pollock et al,1980), body density, 1.0358g/㏄ and body fat percent error, .19% of F12(Behnke & Wilmore,1974), body density, 1.0387g(cc and body fat percent error, -1.50% of F15(Won Young-Doo,1995), body density, 1.0390g/㏄ and body fat percent error, -1.68% of F8(Jackson & Pllock,1980), body density, 1.0298g/㏄ and body fat percent error, 1.87% of F5(Durnin & Womersley,l974), body density, 1.0396g/㏄ and body fat percent error, -1.96% of F7(Pollock et al. II,1980), body density, 1.0292g/㏄ and body fat percent error, 2.18% of F10(Durnin & Womersley,1974), body density, 1.0402g/㏄ and body fat percent error, -2.20% of F9(Jackson & Pollock.II,1980), body density, 1.0410g/㏄ and body fat percent error, -2.59% of F2(Sloan et al,1962), body density, 1.0426g/㏄ and body fat percent error, -3.31% of F13(Katch & McArdle,1980) were the presented 11 regression equations. All of 11 regression equations presented the statistically significant difference between body density, 1.0353g/㏄ and body fat percent, 28.14% by under water weighing(p<.001).
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The Difficulty of Upper Body Muscular Strength and Endurance Tests 체육측정평가 : 상체(上體) 근력(筋力) · 근지구력(筋持久力) 검사(檢査)의 난이도(難易度) : 문항반응리론(問項反應理論)의 적용(適用)
35(4) 390-401, 1996
The Difficulty of Upper Body Muscular Strength and Endurance Tests 체육측정평가 : 상체(上體) 근력(筋力) · 근지구력(筋持久力) 검사(檢査)의 난이도(難易度) : 문항반응리론(問項反應理論)의 적용(適用)
The present study was attempted to estimate the difficulty of various tests designed to measure strength and endurance of the upper body, such as modified pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups tests using the Poisson Counts Model as one of Rasch Models. 9 subtests specified from the three different muscular endurance tests under three conditions were administered to 226 subjects selected from students in physical education classes at a large urban high school and university.
FACETS (Linacre, 1994) and MASI (Spray, 1990) programs were used to estimate both item difficulty and examine ability parameters. The selected all tests were thought to vary in difficulty based on clinical observations. Item difficulty was defined by the Poisson Counts model as the difficulty of step 1, where the difficulty of a step represented the difficulty of completing a pull-up, push-up, or sit-up. The collected data were analyzed for overall calibration, comparison of group, and examination of the model-data fit. The difficulty values of the tests ranged from -3.47 to -2.07. The hardiest test was the modified pull-ups test and the easiest test was the sit-ups test executed with 30cm height slide board. Most tests had good model-data fit values. The results demonstrated that a variety of upper body muscular strength. endurance tests can provide a range of difficulties and variety in forming a muscular endurance test bank.
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The Characteristics of Physique and Body Composition on Athletics Items of Athletics High School in Korea 체육측정평가 : 우리나라 체육고등학교 학생의 운동종목별 신체조성 및 형태의 특성
이수천SooChunLee , 권태동TaeDongKwon , 김헌경HunKyungKim
35(4) 402-428, 1996
The Characteristics of Physique and Body Composition on Athletics Items of Athletics High School in Korea 체육측정평가 : 우리나라 체육고등학교 학생의 운동종목별 신체조성 및 형태의 특성
이수천SooChunLee , 권태동TaeDongKwon , 김헌경HunKyungKim
Athletics high school students`(male=1,366, female=504) physique, girth, skinfolds thickness, body composition and nutrition intake were investigated. The followings were results.
1. The physique(height, sitting height, weight), girth(chest, abdomen, hip), skinfolds thickness(upper arm, abdomen), body composition(%fat, fat mass, fat free mass) of male and female gymnastics players were significantly lowered than that of other athletics players.
2. Male volleyball and badminton players were taller than other athletics players.
3. 100m running(2 items for male, 8 items for female), high jump(nothing for male, 2 items for female), javelin throwing(2 items for male, 9 items for female), weight lifting(20 items for male, 1 item for female) and wrestling(20 items for male) tended to have a correlation with record.
4. Height weight, girth, skinfolds thickness, %fat influenced male`s air rifle for 50.38%(highest) and archery for 6.86%(lowest), for the female, 400m running for 85.81%(highest) and high jump for 12.48%(lowest) respectively.
5. Among height, weight, girth, skinfolds thickness, %fat, the girth tended to highly contribute the record of athletes.
6. The amount of the nutrition intake of each school was P(22-28%), F(21-28%), and C(51-54%). The rate of PFC was normal. Overall intake was 2,010-2,676Kcal which amount was low relatively.
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Relationships between Involvement in Voluntary Sport Club and Job Satisfaction among Employees 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 직장인의 스포츠 동호인 활동 참가와 직무만족과의 관계
35(4) 431-442, 1996
Relationships between Involvement in Voluntary Sport Club and Job Satisfaction among Employees 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 직장인의 스포츠 동호인 활동 참가와 직무만족과의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between involvement in voluntary sport club and job satisfaction among employees.
Data collected through a questionnaire designed for this study consist of fixed-alternative choice response to items constructed to represent the operational definition for each variable. The inventory was administered to one thousand and forty-one male and female employees.
Statistics employed for data analyses were analysis of covariance and multiple classfication analysis.
Based upon the results of the study, the following conclusions appear warrented:
1. employees who involved in voluntary sport clubs showed higher general job satisfaction than that of individual sport participants and non participants.
2. employees who involved in voluntary sport clubs showed higher concret job satisfaction than that of individual sport participants and non participants.
3. employees who involved in voluntary sport clubs showed higher internal job motivation than that of individual sport participants and non participants.
4. employees who involved in voluntary sport clubs showed higher job flow than that of individual sport participants and non participants.
5. employees who involved in voluntary sport clubs showed higher disposition of job seperation than that of individual sport participants and non participants.
6. employees who involved in sport individually showed higher outcome of self evaluation than that of participants in voluntary sport club and non participants.
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A Study on the Effective Development for the Provision of Public Sport Facilities 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 공공체육시설의 확충 방안 연구
This study aimed to probe for the direction for the practical use of the public sports facility meeting citizens increasing interests in life sports and diversity of needs for leisure activities.
The results obtained through the analysis of these primary and secondary data can be largely summarized as two points as follows ;
Firstly, There should be the scheme for the expansion of the balanced sports facility. To refer to it in the concrete, ① The public athletic facility should be primary expanded from its insufficient areas. ② The related expansion system should be strengthened to set up the public sports facility in accordance with the proportion of population. ③ It is efficient to open up the school sports facility activity to local residents.
Secondly, the reasonable operating of the public sports facility is required. To refer to it concretely, ① In order to construct the contry-wide computer network of the public sports facility, the local sports promotion center should be positively expedited that help local people make practical use of the school sports facility, the village sports facility, the neighborhood sports center, national and public land anathemize land of urban space, and so on. ② To make the efficient use of the school sports facility possible, the system to campaign the publicity concerning its use time and events should be constructed.
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The Relationship between Housewives ' Leisure Attitude and Leisure Participation 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 주부의 여가태도와 여가활동 참여의 관계
강신욱ShinWookKang , 김상원SangWonKim
35(4) 457-464, 1996
The Relationship between Housewives ' Leisure Attitude and Leisure Participation 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 주부의 여가태도와 여가활동 참여의 관계
강신욱ShinWookKang , 김상원SangWonKim
This study was to investigate the relationship between housewives’ leisure attitude and leisure participation. The primary purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between housewives’ leisure attitude and activity style and the relationship between housewives’ leisure attitude and the degree of leisure participation.
Independent variable was housewives’ leisure attitude, dependent variable was leisure participation.
The total of 385 samples from 11 educational institution were collected using cluster random sampling. The item of leisure attitude scale(LAS ; Beard & Regheb 1982) was adopted for after being adapted to Korea situation.
Frequency Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis were used to analysis data.
On the basis of the results by the above research methods, the conclusions were drawn as follows,
1. There was a significant difference in housewives’ activity style along with their leisure attitude.
2. There was positive relationship between housewives’ leisure attitude and leisure activity participation.
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A Study on the Development of Leisure Attitude through Indepth - Interview 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 심층면담법을 통한 여가태도 발달에 관한 연구
35(4) 465-479, 1996
A Study on the Development of Leisure Attitude through Indepth - Interview 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 심층면담법을 통한 여가태도 발달에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of youth toward leisure. The following specific research question were addressed:
1) Does childhood socialization have an affect on youth leisure attitudes?
2) What are youth current leisure attitudes?
3) Do leisure attitudes continue to develop?
4) Do current youth roles have an affect on leisure attitudes?
As a theoretical framework for this study, Fishbein`s theory and Kelly`s leisure career theory that information about an issue or one`s self leads to information of attitudes or beliefs was applied to leisure attitudes. The life span perspective provided a view of person-environment interaction concepts.
The meaning of leisure in the life of youth was investigated through the indepth-interview with a research participant of 16 male and female individuals.
The following findings were investigated as the result for this study:
1) Current youth leisure attitudes are affected by beliefs and five to nine beliefs were identified for each participant.
2) Elements of childhood socialization present in youth leisure attitudes, such as the influence of childhood leisure setting and central figures, were identified.
3) Additional information about leisure provides that their was potential for attitude change. The role of spouse, parent and worker provided information which strengthened or weakened beliefs about leisure.
4) The affect of childhood leisure experiences on youth work choices were explored.
It was suggested the this study would contribute to the understanding of the development of leisure attitudes and the meaning of leisure in individual life.
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The Relationship Between Types of Leisure Activity and Leisure Satisfaction Among College Students 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 대학생의 여가활동 유형과 여가만족의 관계
임번장BurnJangLim , 김홍설HongSoulKim
35(4) 480-491, 1996
The Relationship Between Types of Leisure Activity and Leisure Satisfaction Among College Students 사회체육 & 여가 · 레크리에이션 : 대학생의 여가활동 유형과 여가만족의 관계
임번장BurnJangLim , 김홍설HongSoulKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between types of leisure activity and leisure satisfaction among collegiate. The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the type in leisure activity on leisure satisfaction by comparing the difference of psychological, educational, social, physiological, relaxational, and environmental satisfaction.
Subjects of this study were sampled 415 the collegiate(210 male, 205 female) by the random sampling method. Statistics employed in this study were analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) and multiple classification analysis(MCA).
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted
First, the type of leisure activity among the collegiate has an influence on the psychological satisfaction. That is, there is difference in the psychological satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Second, the type of leisure activity among collegiate has an influence on the educational satisfaction. That is, there is difference in educational satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and social activities is the highest.
Third, the type of leisure activity among collegiate has an influence on the social satisfaction. That is, there is difference in social satisfaction according to the type of the leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Forth, the type of leisure activity among collegiate has an influence on the physiological satisfaction. That is, there is difference in physiological satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sport activities is the highest.
Fifth, the type of leisure activity among collegiate has an influence on the relaxational satisfaction. That is, there is difference in relaxational satisfaction according to the type of leisure activity, and sightseeing activities is the highest.
Sixth, the type of leisure activity among collegiate has no influence on the environmental satisfaction.
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건강교육 : Optimistic Bias in Adolescents’ Perceptions on Health Risks
Young Ho Kim
35(4) 495-501, 1996
건강교육 : Optimistic Bias in Adolescents’ Perceptions on Health Risks
Young Ho Kim
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Relationship between Physical Fitness and Ballet Performance Level 무용 : 체력(體力)에 의한 발레 연기력(演技力)의 판별분석(判別分析)
35(4) 505-513, 1996
Relationship between Physical Fitness and Ballet Performance Level 무용 : 체력(體力)에 의한 발레 연기력(演技力)의 판별분석(判別分析)
The present study attempted to evaluate the differences of physical fitness among three group categorized by ballet performance level and to investigate the physical fitness structures of the three different groups. The subjects were classified into three groups; high performance (group I), middle performance (group II), and low performance (group lII). The subjects consisted of 60 ballet major students selected from colleges. The 8 physical fitness tests (abdominal strength, situps, flexed-arm hang, sargent jump, side step, one foot stand with closed eyes, sit & reach, and vital capacity) were selected from motor-related fitness components. Multiple discriminant analysis was used to determine if the selected physical fitness tests were sensitive to differentiate among the three groups and successfully classify individual students in the appropriate performance levels. MANOVA showed that there was a significant difference (p <.001) among the three different performance groups in the selected 8 physical fitness test mean vectors. Discriminant function analysis showed that two functions were extracted, but first function was significant. The first was a muscular endurance factor represented by situps that separated the group I and the group II, III. Classification analysis was used to evaluate the accuracy of the discriminant analysis. The result showed that 63.79% of the three different ballet performance groups were correctly classified into their respective groups by the weighted discriminant scores. It was concluded that the one discriminant function provided a valid model for evaluating differences among the three different ballet performance groups.
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An Investigation on the Possibilities of Sociological Access of Dance 무용 : 무용의 사회학적 접근 가능성 탐색
35(4) 514-524, 1996
An Investigation on the Possibilities of Sociological Access of Dance 무용 : 무용의 사회학적 접근 가능성 탐색
The purpose of this study was to discuss reasons for studying the dance as a sociological phenomenon, subjects, methodologies, and theories of sociology of dance to establish the identity of it.
To achieve the goal of the study, previous studies related to sociology of dance were analyzed, methodologies and concepts of sociology and sociology of sport were considered.
The result of this study could be summed up in the following conclusive remark :
The sociological significance of dance includes the following elements : (1) it is a wide-spread phenomenon of contemporary society, and it mostly occurs in a social context, (2) social organization exists within the dance participation group, (3) it`s patterns of social organization are comparatively persistent, and (4) it is an individual`s selective specific, aesthetic experience.
Dance as a sociological subject of investigation is defined as a `formal and regular activity that assumes patterns and involves use of relatively complex physical skill by one whose participation is motived by an intrinsic impulse to express her(or his) aesthetic feeling`.
Sociology of dance can be considered as a `discipline that applicate sociological concepts, particulary those of social structure and social process to the dance phenomenon`.
The major concerns in the sociology of dance are the introductory sociological analysis of dance, social institution and dance, social process and dance, and social organization and dance.
The methodologies and theories for the sociology of dance can be applicated by them of mother sociology in other interdisciplinary science, similarly.